BASE Jump Info

This is BASE Paradise

This is the place every level of jumper finds a suitable exit. Yet, not every exit suits all jumpers.
Let’s all make an effort to ensure this is and will remain, BASE Paradise.

There are a few rules for many fun times, so let’s stick to them and keep everybody safe.

If you are good enough, make it a challenge and land in our garden… but do call Air-Glacier before you jump.

If you are not sure what you want to do is OK, it most likely is not…

Let’s have fun and keep it safe

Click on the spot you wish to see the wind speeds

We organize Heli loads with baserigs by air-glacier.

We Provide Special Rates for jumpers staying longer

Jump and send it right home. We provide a packing area (In- & Outdoor) – A cool beer after your hopefully last jump and all kind of tools you need to keep your magic backpack flying.

Of course every body else can ask for these specials.

What is important?


Respect the rules


Get a landing card


Inform yourselfe


be smart & have fun