1. Introduction
These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) of Alpine Base AG as operator of Alpinebase Hostel (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) apply to reservations of all properties for the accommodation of guests and the holding of events, as well as all other services rendered and deliveries made by the Operator in this context (hereinafter referred to as the Contract).
In particular, they also apply to reservations made via an online booking tool. These GTC constitute an integral part of every contract. Contractual terms and conditions of a guest/organiser that conflict with or deviate from these GTC will only be recognised if this has been agreed in writing prior to the conclusion of the contract.
The operator reserves the right to amend these GTC at any time.

2. Definitions
Groups; Groups within the meaning of these GTC are seminar, travel or private groups with a minimum number of 10 booked persons.
Written confirmations; e-mail messages and automatically generated responses from the operator's booking platform shall also be deemed to be written confirmations. Properties: Properties are all rentable objects (rented accommodation, dormitories, rooms, etc.), plots for tents, caravans, mobile homes, campers or similar, as well as reservable rooms for holding events.
Contractual partners: the guest and the operator
Event: Depending on the agreement, this may include room rental/properties, catering, technical facilities, personnel expenses and other services.

3. Conclusion of the contract / scope of application
Booking by phone or e-mail
The contract for the rental of properties and for the purchase of other supplies and services is only concluded once availability has been confirmed and the deposit has been received by the operator in due time in accordance with clause 6. After receipt of the payment, you will receive a written booking confirmation. If the down payment is not received, the property will remain at the disposal of the operator.
A reservation made on the day of arrival is binding the moment it is accepted by the operator. Booking via online booking portal
A reservation made via a booking system on the internet is only finalised once availability has been
confirmed and the deposit, which is due immediately, has been paid. Your credit card will be charged at the time the booking is accepted.
Changes to the contract only become binding for the operator following a (written) reconfirmation. Unilateral changes or addenda to the contract by the guest are invalid.
The sub-letting and re-letting of the properties made available and their use for purposes other than accommodation require the prior written consent of the operator. Reservations for groups cannot be booked via the internet. These booking requests must be sent directly to the operator by e-mail. Special cancellation conditions may apply for groups (cf. clauses 9 and 11).
If a third party has booked on behalf of the guest, the third party is liable vis-à-vis the operator together with the guest as joint and several debtor for all obligations arising from the contract.

4. Scope of services
The scope of services of the contract is determined by referring to the reservation individually made and confirmed by the guest. The guest has no right to a specific property. Wishes will be taken into account as far as possible.
Information regarding the minimum length of stay can be found on the operator's website.
If no property is available despite a confirmed reservation with the operator, the operator must inform the guest in good time and the deposit already paid by the guest must be refunded immediately. The guest is not entitled to assert any further claims.

5. Duration of use
Unless stipulated otherwise, the guest is entitled to use the rented property as follows:

• Camping plots from 3.00 p.m. on the agreed day of arrival and until 10.00 a.m. on the day of departure

• Rental accommodation from 4.00 p.m. on the agreed day of arrival and until 10.00 a.m. on the day of departure

If the guest arrives after 8.00 p.m., the operator must be informed of the late arrival time by the guest by telephone or in writing by 6.00 p.m. at the latest on the day of arrival, otherwise the operator may freely dispose of the property.
Occupancy of or moving into a property shall in any case be deemed to be an overnight stay.
In the event of the late return or vacation of the property, the guest will be charged 50% of the accommodation price (list price). If the property is only returned/vacated after 2.00 p.m., the entire accommodation price will be charged. The guest will not be entitled to continue to use the property. Reference shall be made for this calculation to the currently valid daily rates.
Subject to other (written) agreements, the guest has no right to an extension of his/her stay.
Adolescents - we do not accept children, Alpine BASE AG is an adults only place.

6. Prices / payment obligation
The prices communicated by the operator shall be understood without exception to be in Swiss francs (CHF) and include statutory value-added tax, but not the tourism and visitor's taxes due and other charges, which are invoiced separately.
Group rates only apply if agreed in advance and confirmed in writing by the operator. For a group of less than 10 persons, the rates for individual travellers apply.
Only the prices confirmed by the operator are valid. The prices may be changed by the operator if the guest subsequently makes changes (properties / number of persons / duration / services).
Any increase in statutory charges after conclusion of the contract shall be borne by the guest. Prices quoted in foreign currencies are indicative and will be charged at the respective daily exchange rate. The operator may refuse to accept a foreign currency without giving reasons.
The operator requires a deposit or credit card guarantee for each reservation. The amount of the deposit varies depending on the services, object and duration of the stay as well as the time of the reservation and can be up to 100% of the booking amount. If the deposit or credit card guarantee is not paid on time, no contract will be concluded.
On the day of arrival, the total or remaining amount of the agreed booking amount is due for payment during check-in and must be settled by the guest using the accepted credit card.
The operator has the right to invoice the guest at any time for any additional services provided.
The final invoice, issued upon check-out at the latest on the day of departure, may include additional amounts that have arisen due to additional services provided by the operator for the guest and/or the persons/visitors accompanying him/her. The final invoice must be settled in cash or using an accepted credit card.
The guest is not entitled to set off his or her claims against the operator’s claims.

7. Withdrawal by the operator
Up to 10 days before the agreed date of arrival of the guest, the operator is entitled to withdraw from the contract without incurring any costs. The operator is also entitled to withdraw from the contract at any time for objectively justified good cause by means of an immediate unilateral and written declaration, extraordinarily and with immediate effect.
Objectively justified good cause includes, for example:

• force majeure or other circumstances beyond the operator's control that make the fulfilment of the contract objectively impossible;

• properties booked or used on the basis of misleading or false information, e.g. concerning the identity of the guest or the purpose of use or stay;

• minors staying without the presence of an adult supervisor in accordance with clause 5 above;

• if the operator has reasonable grounds to believe that the use of the agreed services may impair the smooth operation of the business, the safety and tranquillity of other guests or the reputation of the operator;

• the guest has become insolvent (bankruptcy or unsuccessful seizure) or has stopped making payments;

• the purpose or reason for the stay is unlawful.
In the event of a withdrawal by the operator for the aforementioned reasons, the guest shall not be entitled to any compensation and, in principle, the operator is entitled to collect the fee for the services booked.

8. Cancellation of the reservation / cancellation fees
Cancellation of the reservation (incl. changes and cancellations) for the services ordered must be received by the operator in writing and require the operator's written consent. Text messages of any kind (WhatsApp, social media, etc.) are not valid. If the cancellation has not been approved, cancellation fees are payable. The date of receipt of the written cancellation by the operator is decisive for the calculation of the cancellation fee. The operator will invoice the guest for the following cancellation fees or charge them directly to the guest's credit card used to guarantee the reservation. If a guest books his or her stay through a promotion and/or with special conditions, there is no right to a refund of the deposit regardless of the time of cancellation.In case of early departure, the operator is entitled to charge 100% of the booked services.

Cancellation fees for individual reservations

• Up to and including 14 calendar days before the agreed arrival date, the guest may withdraw from the contract without incurring any costs. The deposit paid by the guest will be refunded by the operator within a week (5 working days).

• In the event of cancellation between the 13th and 7th calendar day before the agreed date of arrival, the guest may cancel his or her reservation but will lose the deposit paid in favour of the operator.

• In the event of cancellation between 6 calendar days and 3 calender days before the agreed arrival date, the guest may cancel his or her reservation but will forfeit the deposit paid in favour of the operator and will be charged an additional 50% of the total booking price, payable directly or charged directly to credit card used by the guest for the deposit when making the reservation. All shorter notis is 100% payment.

• In case of cancellation 24 hours prior to arrival or in case of no-show, 100% of the booked service is payable by the guest and will be invoiced to the guest or charged directly to the credit card used for the deposit when the reservation is made.
Cancellation fees for group reservations
Unless otherwise stipulated in writing, the following cancellation fees shall apply if more than 10% of the booked services of a group reservation (see section 2) are cancelled.

• In general, a deposit of 25% of the total booking price is payable to the operator for group reservations.

• If the cancellation is made up to 31 calendar days before the agreed date of arrival, the deposit paid at the time of reservation will be forfeited in favour of the operator.

• If the cancellation is made between 14 and 30 calendar days prior to the agreed arrival date, a further 25% of the total booking price (total 50%) will be invoiced or charged directly to the credit card used for the deposit at the time of reservation.

• If the cancellation is made between 4 and 14 calendar days before the agreed arrival date, a further 25% of the total booking price (total 75%) will be invoiced or charged directly to the credit card used for the deposit when the reservation is made. • If the cancellation is made 3 calendar days in advance or in case of no-show, 100% of the total amount will be invoiced or directly charged to the credit card used for the deposit when the reservation is made.

No Refund in general for: Discounted Rooms BASE Jumpers

9. Stay/key/internet/smoking
The property is reserved exclusively for the registered guest. The operator’s consent must be sought before allowing the property to be used by another person or by an additional person.
The keys, badges, etc. supplied by the operator remain the property of the operator and enable 24-hour access to the hostel and the reserved property. The loss of the key must be reported immediately to reception. The guest will be charged CHF 500 for the loss of a key. Badges and magnetic cards are issued against payment of a deposit. If badges and magnetic cards are not returned to the operator on the day of departure at the latest, the deposit paid will be forfeited.
The operator provides the guest with access to the internet via Wi-Fi (hotspot) within the scope of technical and operational possibilities. To access the operator's Wi-Fi, the guest must obtain his/her personal login data at the reception or register online. The operator does not guarantee a specific transmission speed and/or seamless and stable transmission. Streaming is excluded. The use of the Wi-Fi (hotspot) by the guest takes place under the guest's responsibility and at the guest's sole risk. The customer is responsible for sufficient virus protection, data security/encryption etc. The operator assumes no liability for damages resulting from internet use (spam, virus, internet failures) and the guest is not entitled to a refund of any fees paid. The guest is responsible for the use of his or her login data. The guest is liable for misuse and illegal behaviour when using the internet. The operator reserves the right to exclude a guest from the network.
Smoking is only permitted in the outdoor areas of the site. If the guest smokes in the rental properties or in enclosed public structures at the hostel, a cleaning fee of CHF 250 will be charged and may be invoiced to the guest in breach of the rules or charged directly to the credit card used for the deposit when the reservation is made.

10. Supplemental conditions for groups
The operator must be notified in writing of the joint arrival and/or departure of groups 2 days before arrival. In the case of group bookings, a total invoice will be issued to the organiser, who is liable for the entire amount. Individual invoices are excluded. The final number of persons in the group (incl. list of names) must be communicated to the operator in writing no later than 2 calendar days before arrival.

11. Supplemental conditions for events
The guest undertakes to inform the operator of the binding number of participants for an event no later than 8 calendar days before the event date. If the number of participants communicated by the guest differs from the actual number of participants, the following shall apply:

• If the actual number of participants is lower: reservations for up to 5% of the notified participants can be cancelled free of charge up to 3 days before the start of the event, after which the number of participants notified in advance will be invoiced. If more than 5% are cancelled, the invoice will be based on the number of participants notified in advance.

• In the event of a subsequent increase in the actual number of participants, invoicing will be based on the actual number of participants (subject to feasibility).

In the event of a withdrawal by the operator or cancellation of the event by the guest, clause 7 and clause 8 (group reservations) shall apply mutatis mutandis.
If the guest carries out an event previously cancelled with the operator within the same calendar year to the extent originally agreed, 50 % of the cancellation costs paid will be credited to the guest.
In the event of the postponement of an event without the prior written consent of the operator (start or end times), the operator may invoice additional costs for staff and equipment, unless the operator itself is responsible for the postponement.
Insofar as the operator obtains technical and other equipment from third parties for the guest at the guest's instigation, it will act for the guest's account.
The guest is liable for the careful handling and proper return of the facilities. The operator shall be indemnified and held harmless by the guest against all claims by third parties arising from the provision of these facilities.
The use of the guest's own electrical equipment and devices using the operator's electricity network requires the prior written consent of the operator. Any faults or damage to the operator's technical equipment caused by the use of such equipment and appliances shall be borne by the guest, insofar as the operator is not responsible for such faults or damage. The operator may record and charge the electricity costs arising from the use of the electrical equipment and devices on a flat-rate basis.
With the consent of the operator, the guest is entitled to use his/her own telephone and/or data transmission equipment. The operator may charge connection fees in relation hereto.
Faults in technical or other facilities provided by the operator shall be rectified as quickly as possible upon notification by the guest. Insofar as the operator is not responsible for disruptions, disruptions shall neither entitle the guest to claim reductions in the fee for the services nor give rise to liability.
The guest shall obtain any official permits required for the organisation of the event at his/her own expense. It is the guest's responsibility to obtain the permits and comply with any other regulations under public law in connection with the event. Fines due to a breach of permit terms and conditions shall be borne by the guest. The guest shall handle the formalities and settlements required in connection with musical events and sound reinforcement with the competent institutions (e.g. SUISA) under his/her own responsibility.
The operator has the right to expel the event participants from the premises after the expiry of any renewal permit.
All food and beverages must be purchased exclusively from the operator. In special cases, a different written agreement may be made. In such a case, the operator is entitled to charge a service fee or corkage fee.
Exhibits or other items, including personal items brought to the event are left in the event rooms or on the operator's property at the guest's risk. The operator does not assume any duty of custody or safekeeping. The operator assumes no liability for the loss or destruction or damage to items brought to the event, except in the event of gross negligence or intent on the part of the operator. The guest is responsible for insuring the items brought to the event.
Decorative material brought to the event must comply with the requirements of the fire police. The operator is entitled to demand official proof of this. Due to possible damage, the installation and attachment of objects must be agreed upon with the operator in advance. Exhibits or other objects brought to the event must be removed immediately once the event has concluded. The operator may remove and/or store items left behind at the guest's expense.
Packaging materials (cardboard, boxes, plastic, etc.) arising in connection with items supplied by the guest or third parties for the event must be disposed of by the guest. If the guest leaves packaging materials at the hostel, the operator is entitled to dispose of them at the guest's expense.

12. Acts or omissions, use and liability
The operator excludes any liability vis-à-vis the guest, including liability for objects brought onto the premises, to the extent permitted by law.
Upon arrival, the guest shall enquire with the operator about the possibility of handing over valuables, cash or securities to the operator for safekeeping. If safekeeping by the operator is available and the guest does not make use of this option, the operator’s liability is fully excluded.
If any damage is not reported to the operator immediately after its discovery, the guest's claims will be forfeited.
The operator is not liable under any legal title for services which it has merely arranged on behalf of the guest. The operator declines all liability for theft and damage to materials brought onto the premises by third parties.
The guest is liable vis-à-vis the operator for any damage and losses caused by the guest, companions or his or her assistants or event participants, without the operator having to prove fault on the part of the guest.
The guest is responsible for the correct use and proper return of all technical aids/equipment made available to the guest by the operator or obtained on the guest’s behalf via third parties and is liable for damage and losses. The guest is liable vis-à-vis third parties for services arranged and expenses incurred by the operator.
If a third party (ordering party) makes the booking for the guest, the former is liable vis-à-vis the operator together with the guest as joint and several debtor for all obligations arising from the contract. Irrespective of this, each ordering party is obliged to pass on to the guest all information relevant to the booking, in particular these general terms and conditions.

13. Pets
Pets may be brought into certain properties with the prior consent of the operator and for an additional fee. It is the guest's responsibility to clarify this before booking. The guest is obliged to keep any animal brought onto the premises properly during his stay and not to leave it unattended or enclosed/leashed on the premises.
Pets are not allowed in sanitary facilities or other public areas (common room, lounge, kitchen, etc.).

14. Lost property
Lost property will be forwarded if ownership is clear and the home/business address is known. The costs and risk of forwarding lost property shall be borne by the guest.
Lost property found on the operator's premises in respect of which ownership is unclear will be forwarded by the operator to the local lost property office.

15. Privacy
The privacy and security of guests have the highest priority for the operator. The operator handles personal data (e.g. name, address, telephone number) and other sensitive information pertaining to guests with care, thus complying with the provisions of the Swiss Data Protection Act. The transfer and storage of data are secure.
When a reservation is made, the operator and its affiliated companies are authorised to store and use the guest's personal data in relation to the provision of services and for other purposes (administrative processing, statistical analysis, marketing, development of new products and services).
The guest can contact the operator at any time by e-mail at privacy@camping-lodge.com to find out what personal data is stored in the operator's files or to have such data deleted.

16. Other provisions
In the event of a failure to abide by these GTC, the operator reserves the right to admonish the guest and, if necessary, to expel him/her.
Should individual provisions of these GTC be invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. In such cases, the legally ineffective provision shall be replaced by a provision that is similar in spirit but effective.
If the guest requests services that are not provided by the operator itself, the operator will merely act as an intermediary.
Any reservation made implies the express and full acceptance of the operator's GTC.

17. Applicable law / place of jurisdiction
Swiss law shall apply exclusively to all contractual provisions and those relating to the reservation, any supplementary agreements and the General Terms and Conditions. The place of performance and payment is the operator’s registered office.
In the event of disputes arising from this contract, the place of jurisdiction is the operator’s registered office, unless another legally binding place of jurisdiction exists.

18. Validity
The original version of these General Terms and Conditions is drafted in German. In the event of questions of interpretation between the different language versions of these General Terms and Conditions, the German version shall prevail.

Valid from 1 January 2023